Control: forwarded -1
Control: tags -1 patch

I don't think this is a regression - it's Python 3 specific (numpy.array(list of longs, which this test uses on Python 2)=int64 array, but numpy(list of Python 3 ints)=int_nativesize array; see above link for longer discussion) and 0.8.2-2 appears to be the first time the tests were run with Python 3.

Fix (though I've only tried these particular tests, not a full build):

--- a/theano/tensor/tests/
+++ b/theano/tensor/tests/
@@ -6672,11 +6672,11 @@ class T_long_tensor(unittest.TestCase):
             assert scalar_ct.value == val

             vector_ct = constant([val, val])
-            assert vector_ct.dtype == 'int64'
+            assert vector_ct.dtype in ('int32','int64')
             assert numpy.all(vector_ct.value == val)

             matrix_ct = constant([[val, val]])
-            assert matrix_ct.dtype == 'int64'
+            assert matrix_ct.dtype in ('int32','int64')
             assert numpy.all(matrix_ct.value == val)

     def test_too_big(self):

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