rekall's contains¹ (in install_requires):

 "pycrypto == 2.6.1"

which is translated by dh_python2 into "python-crypto (= 2.6.1)"
(translating == into = and not simply ignoring it, or replacing with
">=" which is IMO the least problematic solution, is a new thing
introduced in dh-python 2.20170125, I'm not a big fan of it but
apparently it's what maintainers want)

Why pycrypto is translated and other requirements not?
That's because pycrypto (Debian) maintainer flagged² pycrypto's
versioning as compatible with Debian's (it's disabled by default, you
can `dh_python2 --accept-upstream-versions` if you want that behaviour
with other modules/requirements)

What to do to fix it?
* patch to replace == with >= or remove version completly, no
  matter what's the outcome of next point:
* start a thread on debian-python@l.d.o abuot what to do with ==
  (ignore? translate into =, translate into >=)


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