severity 354756 important

On Wed, Mar 01, 2006 at 10:39:33AM -0500, Mike Furr wrote:

> Steve Langasek wrote:
> > Your point is non-obvious to me.  A Replaces: w/o Conflicts: makes sense
> > only if ownership of files has moved from one package to another, which is
> > not the case here since the two versions of the package aren't necessarily
> > compatible; a Replaces: w/ Conflicts: is used to indicate that one package
> > should be preferred over the other; a Conflicts: alone says that the two
> > packages cannot be installed together, without making any claims about which
> > one should be installed.  Why is the last use the wrong one here?  In
> > particular, why is it so wrong that it warrants a bug of severity: serious?
> I guess I'm arguing that there should be an upgrade path from the "new"
> drivers to the "legacy" drivers.  This was experience: I have an old
> graphics card in this box (TNT2) and had held the "new" drivers to the
> last version that supported it (upstream 1.7174).  When I saw the legacy
> drivers package (using the same upstream 1.7174), I rejoiced that I
> would not have to fight with aptitude any more over this.  I removed the
> old nvidia-kernel-source package and installed the -legacy variant.  I
> then build a nvidia-kernel-legacy module and tried to install it.  Since
> it contained the same files as the previously installed nvidia-kernel
> module package, dpkg failed as there was no Replaces.  Thus to install
> it, I would have to remove the module, which would remove the glx
> packages and a host of other things which would be a huge PITA.  Note
> that this would also be the case if I were coming from Sarge with this
> graphics card.

Well, except that a) using apt to install the new package would
automatically handle this upgrade case for you (and there are binary
nvidia-kernel-legacy packages in the archive for 2.6.15-1), and b) if you
use dpkg for both removing the old package and installing the new one, you
don't have to remove the other packages either.  So you have a point that
this could be improved, but it doesn't look like the current behavior of the
package is wrong from a policy compliance perspective.

> I believe this path is the most likely.  The only time I would go from
> legacy => new would be if I upgraded the graphics card.  In which case
> I'd have to boot w/o X anyway, so it would be more acceptable to have to
> remove the graphics drivers/glx libs while upgrading the drivers.

> Ideally, I guess the legacy package should Replace the new(<= 1.7174),
> but I assume that like versioned Conflicts, this isn't supported?  This
> way we could also have the new version (>1.7174) Replace the legacy
> package....

Versioned conflicts and replaces are both supported.  So probably the best
option would be

Package: nvidia-kernel-legacy-#KVERS#
Conflicts: nvidia-kernel-#KVERS#
Replaces: nvidia-kernel-#KVERS# (<< 1.0.7664-0)

or, pick some other upper cap for the replaces: that seems appropriate.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         

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