Package: neurodebian-desktop
Version: 0.37.5
Severity: serious

The neurodebian-desktop package declares an "interest(-await)" trigger
on /usr/share/icons/gnome.  At the same time, it depends on
gnome-icon-theme, which provides files in /usr/share/icons/gnome,
triggering said interest trigger.


The cycle is created because when gnome-icon-theme is put into the
triggers-awaited state (because it triggers neurodebian-desktop), then
it cannot satisfy dependencies until it leaves that state. But:

 - for gnome-icon-theme to leave the triggers-awaited state, the
   trigger has to be resolved by neurodebian-desktop, which cannot
   happen unless neurodebian-desktop gets configured

 - to configure neurodebian-desktop, its dependency on
   gnome-icon-theme has to be resolved which cannot happen unless
   gnome-icon-theme leaves the triggers-awaited state

This creates the cycle if the packages are installed in a certain order.

If at all possible, please migrate to an "interest-noawait" trigger.
This permits dpkg to defer the trigger to whenever it is convenient in
the install/upgrade process and is often a much better choice.

AFAICT, neurodebian-desktop does not appear to be a package where
deferring the trigger would cause major issues (since it is "only"
updating a cache).


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