On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 10:50:20PM -0400, PICCORO McKAY Lenz wrote:
> I cited why must be set for 1.8 and q.9 until 1.10 released:
> Users who wish to avoid the additional request may set that option to yes or 
> no
>  in order to short-circuit the additional request and avoid making it.

This discussion is specifically talking about when a 411 status is
returned, not a 413.

You talked about building subversion locally fixing the behavior, but
that wouldn't have changed the default value for the
http-chunked-requests configuration.

> later we have:
> The Serf-based HTTP access library would use chunked transfer encoding for 
> most
> requests. When themod_dav_svn Subversion server is fronted by a proxy or
> reverse proxy
> its common that well made configuration are a light webserver for front 
> request
> and specialiced webserver for each specific task, in this case, apache2 for
> subversion..

Yes, and later in that same document we have:

  Subversion 1.8.1 fixes this issue by detecting automatically whether
  chunked requests are supported at the set up of a session. This is
  done by issuing one additional request at the start of the session.

Subversion 1.8.10 is newer than 1.8.1 and therefore has the above
mentioned fix.

> so obviously u dont have how to test, and package dont have any of these
> guaranties.. I NOTE MANY SIMILAR CASES UNRESOLVED in large amount of bugs in
> debian bug list for subversion package.. 
> so then please leave aside the selft defensive excuses and please fix the
> package.. 

I'm not being defensive.  I'm trying to understand the actual problem,
since what you're describing is not related to the release notes you are

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