Lucas Nussbaum <> writes:

>> racket/racket3m -X "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/tmp/usr/share/racket/collects" 
>> -G "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/tmp/etc/racket"   --no-user-path -N "raco" -l- 
>> setup --no-user -j 64 --no-launcher --no-install --no-post-install 

The -j 64 is most likely the problem.  As far as I can tell this is
caused by DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS containing parallel=64.

I verified locally that DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS contains parallel=$NUMCORES. I
haven't localized what causes this.

I'm not sure how likely this is to be a problem either for users or on
buildds (it requires a machine with a large number of processors
relative to it's memory capacity).

A crude fix would be to force parallel building off, but I'm not
completely convinced the problem is specific to this package. It might
be worse here because -j specifies the number of threads rather the
number of processes, so we're more likely to hit a per process memory

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