On Fri, 2017-04-28 at 18:11 +0200, Olav Seyfarth wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> first, thanks for your patience, very much appreciated. I know how hard
> debugging can be, I'm helping with Enigmail If I have time to do so.
> I tried to write clearly but now see that I did not succeed:
> > Based on your original report, giving a kernel log from the guest
> > (which has also been upgraded), I thought you were reporting an issue
> > triggered by upgrading the guest kernel. Now I think what you're
> > actually reporting is that upgrading the host kernel casues guests
> > to crash. Is that correct?
> No. Host and guests received the (unattended) upgrade but downgrading
> the _host_ (only) turned the system in a stable state. You might have
> spotted "Guests still are on 3.16.43-1" in my original report and
> deducted that the host seems to be the culprit. Well hidden, I agree.
> Sorry for that! So maybe you want to rephrase the bug title (again).
> While investigating when my guests did not start, I tried to start them
> using virsh --console - and received (nothing) for some minutes. Just as
> I was about to kill the terminal, there was that kernel panic messages.
> So I saved them, not aware by that time that I was the host's console
> messages being shown. (At least I now think that it was.)

I think this is the same bug as #861313, which is now fixed in version
3.16.43-2.  That should be available on mirrors in a day or two.  Let
us know if it works for you.


Ben Hutchings
This sentence contradicts itself - no actually it doesn't.

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