Mathieu Parent:
> severity 854819 serious
> tag 854819 - patch + upstream
> tag 849151 - patch
> thanks
> Some news about this: upstream has worked on this, but I needed two
> more patches for complete support
> (
> Niels, I plan to do the following:
> - wait one week until the Horde team review and hopefully merge my 
> pull-request
> - upload to sid 2.7.8 with my PR (or that might be 2.7.9 if PR is merged)
> - ask an unblock request
> Appart from GnuPG support (and style or comment changes), 2.7.5..2.7.8
> includes the change "Correctly specify either sha-1 or sha-256 when
> signing a smime message." which is worth having given that sha1 is
> dead now.
> Niels, what do you think about this plan?
> Regards

I have not seen the actual changes of these upstream releases, so I
cannot comment on them.  Given we are in a freeze, I can only recommend
going with targeted fixes (which can include the "smime sha"-fix if that
makes sense).

That said, if the diff for 2.7.5..2.7.8 is short and reviewable, I can
be probably persuaded to consider it.

FYI: These fixes (regardless of which path we go with) should probably
be in unstable within week.  Preferably sooner.


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