Hi there--

On Sun 2017-05-28 19:54:33 +0200, Ivo De Decker wrote:

> On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 02:39:00PM +0200, Jan Niehusmann wrote:
>> May I suggest only removing runit-init from the runit source package, if
>> the bug can't be fixed in time for the stretch release?
> Sure. That just needs someone to upload such an NMU very soon. I suggested
> this already at the end of message #49:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=861536#49
>> Because runit itself doesn't cause the issue discussed here, is useful
>> on its own, and several packages depend on it.
> If this bug can be fixed by removing runit-init, the removal of the other
> packages isn't necessary, but please note that this would need to happen very
> soon.

fwiw, i'm willing to provide such an NMU, because i consider runit to be
a useful package.  However, it'll be done under duress, as i don't think
that the removal of runit-init is strictly necessary.

fwiw, i've run debian systems with runit as PID 1 for years, long before
there was a runit-init package, and without the runit-init package even
today.  So it's certainly possible to achieve the runit-as-pid-1
situation without the package.  But if the only issue with runit-init is
the first reboot when switching initsystems, then i don't think that
should rise to the level of an RC bug.  as written upthread, when you
switch initsystems, some level of pain is to be expected.

removing runit-init from debian just means that people switching init
systems will have *more* pain (because they'll be totally on their own
with the conversion).

anyway, if folks want this NMU in order to keep runit in debian, i'll
provide it, but i don't think it's a great idea.


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