It wasn't there this morning when I fetched the sources and attempted
to produce the NMU.

All is good then. Thanks!

2017-06-02 10:53 GMT+03:00 Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <>:
> On 02/06/17 09:07, Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I've tried merging this patch to submit an NMU.
>> This fails miserably because the existing patches are not applied in a
>> known order and dpkg complains loudly that patches are either fuzzy or
>> cannot be applied as-is.
>> To guarantee that patches are always applied in the same order, their
>> filename would need to start with a number e.g. 001_fix_for_foo.patch,
>> 002_fix_for_bar.patch and the patches would probably need to be
>> refreshed anyhow.
>> Basically, unless someone is willing to overhaul Phatch's packaging
>> ASAP, it's quite likely to get removed from the Debian archive before
>> the Release.
> This bug is already fixed, and the upload is already unblocked and due to 
> enter
> testing in 5 days afaics. Am I missing something?
> Cheers,
> Emilio

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