I got around to doing some network maintaince, and upgraded the
non-critical packages on my router, along with dns-root-data. dnsmasq's
version did not change during this operation.

After restarting dnsmasq, the dhcpd was down, and clients weren't
getting IPs. After digging a bit (set -x on the init script, and
friends), I was able to work back to dns-root-data, and confirmed the
package version did change.

I saw these bugs, and I saw dnsmasq handles this better in sid -
thankfully, I keep sid pinned down for just such a bug :)

I upgraded dnsmasq, and I can confirm clients are happy again.

Hopefully we can push the migration to testing before more folks get
caught in this (although, I guess folks who run their own dhcpd tend to
be able to find bug reports such as this -- hey there, other nerds!)

Thanks for the fix, and thanks for maintaining these packages,


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