On Sun, 03 Sep 2017 18:02:30 -0400 Harlan Lieberman-Berg <hlieber...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hello maintainers,


> It seems that shells started via Gnome start with the wrong context.
> Logging in from a console shell gives me an id of
> unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0, whereas terminals opened
> inside Gnome give me a context of system_u:system_r:initrc_t:s0.

How are you checking the context? With gnome-terminal? Could you please test with xterm (or an other terminal emulator?) as well?

If I'm correct, the problem only exists for processes started by dbus/systemd user session.

In /etc/selinux/default/contexts/users/unconfined_u, could you please add the following line and try again?

system_r:init_t:s0              unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0


Laurent Bigonville

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