The port to Gobject Introspection and Gtk3 is practically done now, just
not merged in yet.

On 4 Oct 2017 1:28 p.m., "Martin Quinson" <>

> Hello dear developers,
> [I hope that this is the right channel for this. Please be patient if not]
> I come to you to raise you awareness on the state of NS3 in Debian. It
> suffers of two bugs concerning the graphical interface(s). One of them
> is seen "important", meaning that ns3 will not be part of the next
> Debian release (and it will also be dropped by derivative
> distributions such as Ubuntu).
> The problems are described here and here:
> In short, the first bug is about the dependency on pygoocanvas, that
> will soon be removed from Debian. If ns3 keeps depending on it, ns3
> will be completely removed also (it is already removed from the
> "testing" rolling release, and will be completely wipped out if we
> don't take any action).
> The second bug is about the same kind of issue with Qt4. But I think
> we have more time to react (as described in the bug report).
> So, my question is to know whether you have any plan to replace these
> dependencies with the modern versions of these functionnality (gir in
> the case of pygoocanvas IIRC, and Qt5 in the other case).
> Also, if you have an easy way to drop these dependencies (by disabling
> them at build time), that could solve the issue on our side.  I know I
> should RTFM for that, but I fail to find the time, and I would
> appreciate this help in the package maintainance, please. The current
> build receipe is here (that's a makefile):
> If you're interested, the build logs are here:
> When answering this email, that'd be great if you could keep the bug
> reports in CC so that we can keep track of it from the Debian
> perspective.
> --
> You have a problem and decide to use git.
> Now you have a forest of subtly incompatible solutions.

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