Control: tags -1 pending

Dear FTP Team,

could you please remove the following as 'found in version' icedove
packages by Ben Finney and also the respectively source tarballs from
the archive?
As Ben pointed out the marked versions containing a non-free files and
thus the the source tarballs are not DFSG clean.
The affected versions are quite older now and a removal doesn't affect
existing user installations due the up2date security versions in all

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 03:58:34PM +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
> Control: found -1 icedove/31.5.0-1~deb7u1
> Control: found -1 icedove/31.8.0-1~deb7u1
> Control: found -1 icedove/31.8.0-1~deb8u1
> Control: found -1 icedove/40.0~b1-1
> Control: found -1 icedove/42.0~b2-1
> On 28-Jan-2016, Bastien ROUCARIES wrote:
> > mozilla/dom/system/gonk/tests/marionette/ril_jshint/jshint.js
> > 
> > is licenced under evil licence...
> This is (not an identical copy, but clearly derived from) JSHint
> version 2.1.3 <URL:>.
> Receipients do not have free-software license in this work. The only
> license granted has the non-free “Good, not Evil” restriction.
> > Please repack and notify in order to remove old
> > package.
> This same content is found (according to in:
> * firefox
> * firefox-esr
> * iceweasel
> * icedove
> <URL:>
> Maintainer, should we make separate bug reports for each of those?

PS: Maybe this email comes as double to you (wrongly addressed to
#813054, that's the bug report for firefox-esr), was a
bit 'tenacious' yesterday.
I already have written yesterday a email to the BTS but I haven't got a
feedback mail from the system about processing.

Regards and thanks!

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