
I cloned the git repo from nibabel and did some tests. I saw the HEAD of 
upstream doesn't have this problem. The difference from the HEAD to the 2.1.0 
version in the file with the error is diff I've attached in this email. 
Applying this diff fix this problem. I think you can send this patch to the guy 
which packages nibabel.

Kind regards.
diff --git a/nibabel/orientations.py b/nibabel/orientations.py
index 2567b41..bc85173 100644
--- a/nibabel/orientations.py
+++ b/nibabel/orientations.py
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def io_orientation(affine, tol=None):
     RS = RZS / zooms
     # Transform below is polar decomposition, returning the closest
     # shearless matrix R to RS
-    P, S, Qs = npl.svd(RS)
+    P, S, Qs = npl.svd(RS, full_matrices=False)
     # Threshold the singular values to determine the rank.
     if tol is None:
         tol = S.max() * max(RS.shape) * np.finfo(S.dtype).eps

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