# regression but not reproducible
severity 884038 important
tags 884038 + upstream unreproducible


mirq-debo...@rere.qmqm.pl wrote:

> git 2.15.x from testing can't properly fetch from remote repository:
> $ git fetch --all
> Fetching origin
> remote: Counting objects: 752, done.
> remote: Total 752 (delta 578), reused 578 (delta 578), pack-reused 174
> Receiving objects: 100% (752/752), 244.37 KiB | 1.89 MiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (619/619), completed with 214 local objects.
> fatal: bad object HEAD
> error: https://github.com/torvalds/linux.git did not send all necessary 
> objects
> error: Could not fetch origin 
> Downgrading to 2.14.2-1~bpo9+1 from stretch-backports fixes the issue.
> Both current 2.15.1-1 and previous 2.15.0-1 in testing are affected.

Very strange.  I can't reproduce this --- any hints about what I am
doing differently from you?

Can you give commands starting with the initial "git clone" I can use to
reproduce this?

If there's no way to reproduce it from scratch, can you tar up your
.git directory and send it to me somehow to allow me to reproduce it?


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