Control: tags -1 moreinfo + pending

On 25-Feb-2018, Ben Finney wrote:
> * Load the test page ‘atwho-bug890391-test.html’ with the debugger
>   enabled.
>   The JavaScript engine will report a “ReferenceError”, shown in the
>   console.
> This allows us to verify the reported behaviour.

With changes to use the Gulp build system for compiling CoffeeScript,
the resulting library now causes no ‘ReferenceError’, and the test
file works correctly.

I have uploaded a new version with those changes, to resolve this bug.

 \     “Nothing worth saying is inoffensive to everyone. Nothing worth |
  `\    saying will fail to make you enemies. And nothing worth saying |
_o__)            will not produce a confrontation.” —Johann Hari, 2011 |
Ben Finney <>

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