On Mon, 14 May 2018 00:48:53 +0200
Philipp Kern <pk...@debian.org> wrote:
> any new about incorporating Raphael's suggestion? There's still a grave
> bug opened against debootstrap right now (on a version that is in testing).

 Sorry for late reply, revert previous fix and modified functions as
 Raphael suggested, and it works on my box. Please check it.

diff --git a/functions b/functions
index dc55faf..350f463 100644
--- a/functions
+++ b/functions
@@ -79,6 +79,18 @@ progress_next () {
 wgetprogress () {
        [ ! "$VERBOSE" ] && NVSWITCH="-nv"
        local ret=0
+       set -- -O "$dest" "$from" "$@"
+       if [ -n "$PRIVATEKEY" ]; then
+               set -- "$PRIVATEKEY" "$@"
+       fi
+       if [ -n "$CERTIFICATE" ]; then
+               set -- "$CERTIFICATE" "$@"
+       fi
+       if [ -n "$CHECKCERTIF" ]; then
+               set -- "$CHECKCERTIF" "$@"
+       fi
                wget "$@" 2>&1 >/dev/null | "$PKGDETAILS" "WGET%" 
@@ -401,20 +413,14 @@ just_get () {
        # args: from dest
        local from="$1"
        local dest="$2"
        mkdir -p "${dest%/*}"
        if [ "${from#null:}" != "$from" ]; then
                error 1 NOTPREDL "%s was not pre-downloaded" "${from#null:}"
-       elif [ "${from#http://}"; != "$from" ] || [ "${from#ftp://}"; != "$from" 
]; then
-               # http/ftp mirror
-               if wgetprogress -O "$dest" "$from"; then
-                       return 0
-               else
-                       rm -f "$dest"
-                       return 1
-               fi
-       elif [ "${from#https://}"; != "$from" ] ; then
-               # http/ftp mirror
-               if wgetprogress "$CHECKCERTIF" "$CERTIFICATE" "$PRIVATEKEY" -O 
"$dest" "$from"; then
+       elif [ "${from#http://}"; != "$from" ] || [ "${from#ftp://}"; != "$from" 
] || [ "${from#https://}"; != "$from" ]; then
+               # HTTP(S) mirror (FTP mirror is deprecated but not removed)
+               if wgetprogress ; then
                        return 0
                        rm -f "$dest"

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