Control: clone -1 -2
Control: reassign -2 libevas1
Control: severity -2 normal
Control: retitle -2 libevas1: adjust Depends to prefer X11 engine
Control: block -1 by -2

On Fri, Jun 01, 2018 at 09:06:57AM +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:
> > Can you provide the output of "dpkg -l | grep libevas1-engine"?  It
> ii  libevas1-engines-wayland:amd64                              1.20.7-4      
>                           amd64        Evas module providing the Wayland 
> engine

Thanks, this confirms what I expected.  As a workaround, you can install
libevas1-engines-x and ephoto should work.

Mostly a note to self, I'm about to head on vacation for a week: the problem is
in the way libevas1 pulls in the engine backends.  libevas1 depends on
libevas1-engine, which is a virtual package.  In some cases, apt fulfills this
with the wayland engine only.  Since wayland-only is less common, that Depends
should be changed to libevas1-engines-x | libevas1-engine.

Thanks for the report and sorry for the trouble,

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