
Le 23/06/2018 à 08:11, Vasudev Kamath a écrit :
> Hi Alexis, Thomas,
> First of all I apologise for not replying in time. I'm bit occupied by
> family work so not getting enough time to deal with package.

That's fine no worries :)
I actually asked you directly because I don't want changes to happen on
your package without your consent or even be unaware of it, that would
be bad.

> Alexis Murzeau <amub...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> I also would like to highlight that what you're describing here is the
>>> workflow of a transition, which is what Debian has been doing for
>>> *years*. Not only this is natural in Debian, but it is also very much
>>> recommended when breakage occurs.
>>> I'm by the way a bit frustrated that this process is taking so long.
>>> This has a huge impact in the maintenance of a big dozen of my packages,
>>> since Horizon can't be installed. Reverting is really not a lot of work.
>>> Can we get this done soon, as it seems to be the consensus? If the
>>> current font-awesome maintainer is busy, maybe someone else (me?) can do
>>> the work?
> Yes I agree that I should have followed usual transition process but I
> did not imagine a font package breaking things in this manner. Of course
> its not an excuse but I should have been careful, but what is done is
> done now.
>> @Vasudev, what do you think about this ?
>> (As far as I'm concerned, I'm ok with this and Thomas said it shouldn't
>> be a lot of work to do.)
> I've created basic package at ¹. If you or Thomas can adjust the package
> as needed and upload it to archive it would be great. Also please
> consider adding yourself as uploader as I might not have energy to
> maintain additional package.
> ¹ https://salsa.debian.org/fonts-team/fonts-font-awesomev4

Thanks. I think I can help maintaining these packages (v4 and v5) as
streamlink uses them but I'm not a DM (nor a DD).
I think the best is to keep the old source and binary package name
fonts-font-awesome for the old version (v4) and use a new one
fonts-font-awesome-5 for the new version.

So following best practice [0] for what would be a "backward
incompatible ABI change which prevents old programs from working with
the new library" for a library.
So changing the font path to include "-5" and the package name accordingly.

So this would mean:
- revert the fonts-font-awesome package in unstable to 4.7.0~dfsg-3
- either:
  - Clone fonts-font-awesome to fonts-font-awesomev4 then reverting all
branches and tags to v4.7.0~dfsg-3 in fonts-font-awesomev4
  - Or clone fonts-font-awesome to another repository
fonts-font-awesome-5 (to match the source package name) and reset
branches and tags in the fonts-font-awesome repository to v4.7.0~dfsg-3.

My personal thought on repository naming is that its better to have
fonts-font-awesome (4.7.0~dfsg-3) and fonts-font-awesome-5 (5.0.10-4) to
match source package names.

The debian/watch file for fonts-font-awesome (v4) then need to change to
".*/v(4\.\d.*)"[...] to stick with v4.
I've made change in forks at [1] and [2].
Also, I think some changes can be reverted to remove support of v4 in v5

Possibly, reopen bugs that were closed since fonts-font-awesome v5 and
reassign newer ones applying to v5 to the new package fonts-font-awesome-5.

As a side node, I see that font awesome 5 upstream git is in fact the
build result, not the sources (see [4]). But its still free, using CC BY
4.0 for icons, SIL OFL 1.1 for fonts and MIT for anything else (see [3]).
The DFSG requires to have the source code.
Does this mean fonts-font-awesome-5 cannot be handled the same way as
before, ie outside of main ? Not sure as this is not strictly
compiled-only and there are scss, less and non minified js files.

[0] https://wiki.debian.org/TransitionBestPractices
[1] https://salsa.debian.org/amurzeau-guest/fonts-font-awesome-4
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/amurzeau-guest/fonts-font-awesome-5
[3] https://fontawesome.com/license

Alexis Murzeau
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