
Le 31/07/2018 à 16:23, Carsten Schoenert a écrit :
Hello Julien,
unfortunately all the interesting things are missing or could only be
figured out partially from the the deep of your report. Do you have used
reportbug to create this report?

I never use reportbug, as I find it a pain to use.

Which DE you are using? You mentioned lxdm shortly, but this is a display
manager so we still don't know what environment you exactly using.

I'm using lxde, so gtk+2-based

Given the version of TB I assume you are running testing or unstable.
Could you please elaborate a bit more?

Yes, I'm running unstable.

I don't know exactly what information you might need : I don't really understand the problem.

Have you tried installing&activating lightning, then uninstalling it, to see if starting TB afterwards gave you the same symptoms?

jpuydt on irc.debian.org

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