Control: tag -1 wontfix
Control: severity -1 wishlist
A decision has already been made:
I have added a warning in the description but I believe renaming is a
major loss of time and energy for no interesting result. I cannot change
the homepage URL and prevent people from going to the website, which is
needed to have more info on the various modules, so this would not help.
Also I believe hiding things from our sights is not a solution: if you
want upstream to change their attitude, then have them convinced. At
least now some limits are clear and if, for example, they reintroduce
insults in the software's messages or source code the new version will
not make it in Debian and later result in removal.
From what I've seen while at DebConf woman's opinion on this topic does
not match what self-appointed male knights have presented in the thread.
Also renaming is not seen as a perfect solution either. So I'm sorry to
say that you only represent your own personal opinion here.
As for asking the release team, and while I value their input, this has
never been their role. De facto ftpmaster has taken this burden and in
the past has accepted, and later reaccepted this package.
As for calling for a GR, this is not the goal of a GR as you have no
general rule to suggest. While taking my decision I have tried to gather
argumented criteria which I believe could rule out harmful content
(despite a large grey zone), but noone wanted to discuss them, they were
seen as mere excuses. So there is not even a beginning of discussion on
this front. You anyway cannot use a GR for settling disagreements.
If you wish to challenge my decision, then you should contact the
technical committee (you were once part of this body but you must have
forgotten). Looking at the prerequisite though it seems to me you have
failed at « try to understand the other person's point of view » (and my
experience at DebConf does not make me very optimistic).
Marc Dequènes