Source: libbiod
Version: 0.1.0-5
Severity: serious
Tags: ftbfs

[30/149] ldc2 -Ibiod@sha -I. -I.. -I -I../ -I/usr/include/d -enable-color -O -g 
-release -wi -relocation-model=pic   -of 'biod@sha/bio_maf_reader.d.o' -c 
FAILED: biod@sha/bio_maf_reader.d.o 
ldc2 -Ibiod@sha -I. -I.. -I -I../ -I/usr/include/d -enable-color -O -g -release 
-wi -relocation-model=pic   -of 'biod@sha/bio_maf_reader.d.o' -c 
../bio/maf/reader.d(40): Deprecation: struct `std.stdio.File.ByLine!(char, 
char).ByLine` is deprecated - Use .byLine
../bio/maf/reader.d(53): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
`this._f.byLine(cast(Flag)true, '\x0a')` of type `ByLineImpl!(char, char)` to 
`ByLine!(char, char)`
../bio/maf/reader.d(53):        `this._lines = this._f.byLine(cast(Flag)true, 
'\x0a')` is the first assignment of `this._lines` therefore it represents its 
../bio/maf/reader.d(53):        `opAssign` methods are not used for 
initialization, but for subsequent assignments

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