On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 03:46:09PM -0400, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
> > > after upgrading system-wide Python installation (in my case from 3.5.3 to 
> > > 3.5.4),
> > > virtualenvs may break due to the outdated interpreter 
> > > (somevirtualenv/bin/python3) inside the venv, trying to work with a newer 
> > > stdlib.
> > This is in no way specific to virtualenvwrapper which is just a wrapper.
> Hi Andrey!  If this is the case would you please reassign this bug to
> virtualenv?
I don't see any real value in reassigning this bug and I don't want to
find out the correct binary package name.

> > > The problem is that mkvirtualenv copies rather than symlinks the python 
> > > interpreter binary, but symlinks the modules from standard library (e.g. 
> > > /usr/lib/python3.5).
> > This is done by virtualenv, not mkvirtualenv, and it was always that way,
> > and it's quite well known that the breakages happen and how to fix them
> > (by running virtualenv again). It is done because otherwise Python would
> > not find some files using relative paths.
> > 
> > See also https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/pull/1171 and note "only for
> > Python 3.3 and higher".
> As a beginner to Python it seems to me that the current behaviour
> (copied interpreter and symlinked modules) is incorrect and that there
> are three correct solutions:
>   1) As proposed in that PR, symlink the interpreter.
This will fix itself when the PR is merged, not sooner.

>   2) Copy the libraries instead of symlinking them.
Can't comment on this.

>   3) Downgrade the severity of this bug to non-RC, because this is a
>      known and expected issue when using virtualenvs.
Sure, but this is up to the maintainer.

> I imagine that the current behaviour is useful because more
> vulnerabilities are found in libraries than in interpreters, and so it
> is beneficial for them to automatically follow system-wide security
> updates.  Of course apt isn't aware of all possible locations of
> venvs, so [2] would be bad, unless there was NEWS on each security
> update to "update all your virtualenvs".  In terms of annoyance
> factor, the [2] option (plus running virtualenv again) seems more
> annoying (but more secure) than using pip install --upgrade inside the
> venv.
Can't comment on this.


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