On Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 5:15 PM Christoph Berg <m...@debian.org> wrote:
> Stepping back a bit, does the package really need a database server on
> the local machine?

Yes. At least if you don't, it doesn't want to let you use it and
gives this error:

$ glom
Your installation of Glom is not complete, because PostgreSQL is not
available on your system. PostgreSQL is needed for self-hosting of
Glom databases.

Please report this bug to your vendor, or your system administrator so
it can be corrected.

> Does it need to depend on a single server version?

Well, I wouldn't think so, but the build tests seemed to hang when I
either had postgresql-11 installed or no postgresql version at all.

How soon do you need this issue fixed? I'm ok with glom being removed
from Testing if that helps.

Jeremy Bicha

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