
Am 15.10.18 um 19:45 schrieb Erich Schubert:
> Hi,
> It seems the classpath is not set up correctly.
> With Java 11 as my main java, the following works:
> java -cp
> /usr/share/mediathekview/MediathekView.jar:/usr/share/java/javafx-base-11.jar:/usr/share/java/javafx-controls-11.jar:/usr/share/java/javafx-fxml-11.jar:/usr/share/java/javafx-graphics-11.jar:/usr/share/java/javafx-media-11.jar:/usr/share/java/javafx-swing-11.jar:/usr/share/java/javafx-web-11.jar
> mediathek.Main
> Since this launches correctly (I haven't tried to load anything though)
> it seems the classpath / launch script is the problem.
> (If your default java is 8, you may need to set JAVA_HOME or use the
> full path name).

How could you launch mediathekview like that without getting the error
message that JavaFX couldn't be found on the classpath (because you are
using Java 11 and mediathekview checks explicitly for Java 8) ?

I am aware that the javajfx-*.jar files have to be added to the
CLASSPATH now. My problem is that I have to compile with OpenJDK 10 at
the moment and due to some removed class files in this version, I have
to switch to Java 9 bytecode at least. I have also upgraded
Mediathekview to the latest upstream version 13.1.2. I am able to
compile it but I get a RunTimeException with Java 10 or Java 11 and
OpenJFX 11. That is bug #910764.

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