I will update Debian's GNU parallel as soon as I can (before this next
weekend, if I can).

Thanks for all the discussion,


On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 1:12 PM Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <o...@debian.org> wrote:
> Control: clone -1 -2
> Control: retitle -2 parallel 20161222-1.1 NMU removes upstream "--will-cite" 
> functionality
> Control: reopen -2
> Control: notfound -2 20161222
> Control: found -2 20161222-1.1
> Control: severity -2 important
> Dear Ole,
> Le lundi, 3 décembre 2018, 18.55:00 h CET Ole Tange a écrit :
> > I have noticed that you have submitted a patch and closed this bug:
> > https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=905674#77
> >
> > I am sure you are trying to do what is best for free software. But
> > what looks like a good idea in the short run, may be a bad idea in the
> > long run. The long term survival of Debian depends on others building
> > free software that can be packaged, so destroying these people's
> > livelihood is a bad long term strategy.
> >
> > In the reasoning for the patch you state:
> > > Quoting the gpl-faq:
> > [... https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#RequireCitation ...]
> >
> > > Therefore, removing this to make parallel GPL-compliant.
> >
> > I think this is due to a misunderstanding.
> >
> > Maybe you not aware that Richard M. Stallman together with the GNU
> > leaders have cleared the wording and the use of the citation notice,
> > and that he sees it as complying fully with GPLv3?
> I was not, but, as Debian Developer, I don't feel bound by RMS' (and "GNU
> leaders", whomever this designates) statements about GPLv3.  What mattered for
> this now-closed bugreport is our DFSG; specifically it's article 1 (emphasis
> mine) and 5.
> > DFSG 1: Free Redistribution
> > The license of a Debian component may not restrict any party from selling or
> > giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software
> > distribution containing programs from several different sources. The license
> > *may not require a royalty or other fee* for such sale.
> > DFSG 5: No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
> > The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons.
> Le lundi, 3 décembre 2018, 18.55:00 h CET Ole Tange a écrit :
> > Your patch therefore does not change the GPLv3-compliancy: The code
> > was already compliant.
> I disagree; my understanding is that RMS&co declared parallel to carry no
> problem with regards to GPLv3 compliance in October 2018, probably for the
> latest upstream release.
> But Debian ships parallel 20161222 which:
> * contains a request for the user to promise academic citation,
> * imposes the use of either "--will-cite" or the presence of a
>   `~.parallel/will-cite`, which makes it unnecessarily burdensome to use
>   in a scripted manner.
> This is a clear attempt at side-stepping GPLv3 software freedoms by using
> guilt-inducting language.  As the GPLv3 allows (almost any) modification, I've
> just went and did that, also to ensure that src:parallel can stay in the
> Debian main archive, where it belongs.
> > But what your patch *does* do, is to make it harder to earn a living
> > from developing GNU Parallel and will make it much harder for me to
> > justify spending time maintaining GNU Parallel.
> Be careful with such arguments: by merely distributing GNU parallel in its
> main archive, Debian is also vastly expanding the availability of GNU
> parallel.  And if you do insist on getting Debian to rename it, you'll
> likely lose any incentive from "renamed GNU parallel" users getting it from
> the Debian archive.
> > As Nadia Eghbal puts it in
> > https://www.slideshare.net/NadiaEghbal/consider-the-maintainer:
> >
> > "Is it alright to compromise, or even deliberately ignore, the
> > happiness of maintainers so we that can enjoy free and open source
> > software?"
> >
> > This describes very well what you are doing with the patch, and I
> > refuse to think that was your goal.
> For the record:
> * My primary goal was to remove a "Release Critical" bug from Debian's next
>   stable release, during a Bug Squashing Party;
> * While looking at this bug, it seemed obvious to me that merely removing the
>   obnoxious phrasing and functionality was an easy way to fix this bug; in a
>   GPLv3- and DFSG-compatible way.
> * I am not the Debian maintainer of src:parallel, so my contribution was one-
>   -off.
> * I did a Non-Maintainer Upload immediately, following DevRef 5.11.1:
> https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/ch05.en.html#nmu-guidelines
> * I do think that making fine free software unnecessarily cumbersome to use,
>   only to increase user's knowledge of the original author's funding
>   initiatives is bad practice.  This reduces the quality of software and
>   is really on the line of what makes software really "free software"
>   (I'm fine to disagree with RMS on that front).  Weaker phrasing doesn't
>   make the intent any better.
> * Prominent links or funding pitches are fine in _documentation_, as long as
>   they:
>   - don't imply that payment is mandatory;
>   - don't impose citation;
>   For instance, parallel 20161222 manpage's
>   > If you pay 10000 EUR you should feel free to use GNU Parallel without 
> citing.
>   … is not acceptable IMHO.
> * I am not a Debian FTP-master, in charge of specific interpretations of
>   the DFSG.
> > So if you want to help other developers make a living and thereby get
> > more free software made, I encourage you to revert the patch and
> > instead upgrade to 20180922: Maybe you simply were not aware that the
> > latest stable version (20180922) is *already* GPLv3 compliant.
> I am not the Debian maintainer of src:parallel, and updating upstream
> versions is not acceptable as NMU; I did the smallest change that seemed
> acceptable to resolve the RC bug.
> Be assured that my patch was not directed at you personally; I removed
> _technical functionality_ that I felt was the reported bug.
> But… I can see how this new situation is not ideal for you; I'm therefore
> hereby cloning this bug to document that my NMU removes the "--will-cite"
> functionality from upstream parallel.  What should/could happen now is that:
> * interested parties (you, FTP-master, …) discuss on that bug;
> * the Debian maintainers, when (and if) updating src:parallel to a new
>   upstream release, will decide to adopt, update or remove my patch.
> > Thanks for your work on free software. It is appreciated.
> Yours is appreciated too.
> Cheers,
>     OdyX

Rogério Brito : rbrito@{ime.usp.br,gmail.com} : GPG key 4096R/BCFCAAAA
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