Sorry, I misinterpreted the log. The error is probably caused by missing dependencies in gnome/ A fix is coming soon.

     - Tommi

On 28.12.2018 20:00, Santiago Vila wrote:
On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 07:51:27PM +0200, Tommi Höynälänmaa wrote:

Is there a pending upload of guile-gnome-platform for unstable which
is required for theme-d-gnome to build properly also in unstable?

Note: The build log says --with-guile-gnome=2.16.5 but current version
is 2.16.4-5. Could this small mismatch be the problem?
This may cause problems but the main thing is that packages
theme-d-translator and theme-d-stdlib are not present in the build
environment (at least the correct versions are not).
Hmm, but I'm not installing build-dependencies by hand.

I'm using sbuild (and reproducible-builds is using pbuilder)
which should already ensure that the "correct" versions are installed.

Actually, either the version currently available in unstable is ok,
or otherwise the build would fail with "unsatisfiable build-depends".

So: How do you know that the build is using "incorrect versions" and
what exactly do you mean by "incorrect versions"?

I'm a little bit confused.


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