Hi Sergio,

On 2019-01-14 5:40 p.m., Sergio Mendoza wrote:
>   A few days ago, msmtp fails to work.  It all seems to be related to the
> inability to read ~/.msmtprc file.  In other words it seems that
> ~/.msmtprc needs to have mode 644.  This is not at all desired since
> sensible (private) information can be included in that file. The package
> msmtp should run  with no trouble when the user configuration file
> ~/.msmtprc has mode 600.

Indeed, it should work with ~/.msmtprc with mode 0600. Is it working
when you have it set to 0644?

>   I am sending you some useful output so that you can check the relevance of 
> the
> situation (please note that I tried playing with stable, testing and sid
> versions of msmtp and I get the same output -this lead me to think whether
> the problem is with msmtp or with some other related package):
> sergio@quetzalli:~$ echo "Hello World" | msmtp -d ser...@mendozza.org
> ignoring system configuration file /etc/msmtprc: No such file or directory
> ignoring user configuration file /home/sergio/.msmtprc: Permission denied
> falling back to default account
> msmtp: account default not found: no configuration file available
>   As such, the bug leaves the package fully unusable.

That's unexpected but could be related to the Apparmor profile changes
that went in recently. Is /home/sergio/.msmtprc a symlink by any chance?
If yes, could you share the output of "ls -l /home/sergio/.msmtprc"?

Could you please also share the output of "dmesg | grep apparmor"

Thanks in advance,

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