reassign 783346 src:xen 4.1.4-3+deb7u4
severity 783346 normal

Hi Daniel,

This is about the bug report that you filed before about pygrub in the
Debian bug tracker against the Xen packages.

Your bug report was targeted at a Xen package in a Debian distribution
older than the current stable (Stretch), and I'm trying to clean up our
open bug report list a bit.

In the bug history, I see that already was suggested to use the grub2
based way of booting the virtual machines instead of pygrub. This is
still recommended.

Addtionally, the grub-xen-* packages in Debian Buster will now also be
able to boot a Xen domU using the new PVH virtualization mode, if you
use the Debian Linux 4.19 kernel package inside.

Am I right to understand that we can close this bug report now?

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Please note that unless there's a response within a month from now, we
will close the bug report. If you discover this message later, and this
case is important to you, then you can try unarchiving the bug and
replying to it, or reach out to the maintainers email list at
pkg-xen-devel at (no subscription required) and
post a message.

Hans van Kranenburg

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