Control: tags -1 patch

Taking just this part of the upstream patch (the other parts are for code our version doesn't have), together with the Boost fix (which I will file a separate bug for), makes it build.

Description: Fix const-related FTBFS with GCC 8

Author: Pradeep "9prady9"
Origin: upstream

--- a/src/backend/cpu/blas.cpp
+++ b/src/backend/cpu/blas.cpp
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ Array<T> matmul(const Array<T> &lhs, con
     int aColDim = (lOpts == CblasNoTrans) ? 1 : 0;
     int bColDim = (rOpts == CblasNoTrans) ? 1 : 0;

-    dim4 lDims = lhs.dims();
-    dim4 rDims = rhs.dims();
+    auto lDims = lhs.dims();
+    auto rDims = rhs.dims();
     int M = lDims[aRowDim];
     int N = rDims[bColDim];
     int K = lDims[aColDim];

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