On Mon, 18 Feb 2019 20:05:41 +0100 Paul Gevers <elb...@debian.org>
> Control: severity -1 serious
> Hi,
> On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 21:49:01 +0100 Paul Gevers <elb...@debian.org>
> wrote:
> > With a recent upload of simplejson the autopkgtest of
> > json-schema-validator fails in testing when that autopkgtest is run
> > with the binary packages of simplejson from unstable. It passes
> > when run with only packages from testing. In tabular form:
> >                        pass            fail
> > simplejson             from testing    3.16.0-1
> > json-schema-validator  from testing    2.3.1-3
> > all others             from testing    from testing
> > 
> > I copied some of the output at the bottom of this report.
> > 
> > Currently this regression is contributing to the delay of the
> > migration of simplejson to testing [1]. Due to the nature of this
> > issue, I filed this bug report against both packages. Can you
> > please investigate the situation and reassign the bug to the right
> > package? If needed, please change the bug's severity.
> Since February 12, this is now blocking simplejson from migrating.
> This bug should be fixed either direction: or simplejson fixes the
> regression it causes in json-schema-validator, or
> json-schema-validator fixes its autopkgtest to adapt to the new
> situation. Please agree which package should be fixed and reassign it
> to that package, keeping the version information.

My guess is that json-schema-validator is the package at fault but I
orphaned it precisely because I don't have time to investigate bugs in
the package. There are no reverse dependencies that affect buster or
unstable and no Python3 package in Debian. Nobody else has taken any
interest in the package since it was orphaned over a year ago.

Unless there are any relevant bug reports filed against simplejson or
some other confirmation of the bug as being caused by simplejson within
say a week to 10 days, I'll assign this just to json-schema-validator
and seek removal of json-schema-validator from Debian as orphaned, out
of date & RC buggy. There are better ways to validate Python data
structures than exporting & validating in JSON.


Neil Williams

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