On Wed, 6 Feb 2019 20:20:54 +0100 Andreas Metzler <ametz...@bebt.de> wrote:> Hello,


> there is a logic error in /lib/lsb/init-functions's killproc:
> base=${1##*/}
> if [ ! $pidfile ]; then
> name_param="--name $base --pidfile /var/run/$base.pid"
> else
> name_param="--pidfile $pidfile"
> fi
> The if clause checks for nonempty $pidfile instead of nonempty $base to
> decide whether --name is used.
> Also --pidfile $pidfile is always used, even when $pidfile is empty.
> I am reportig this as serious since sid's start-stop-daemon requires a
> name parameter in addition to --pidfile when the pidfile is not owned by
> root, therefore this bug causes init script failures. (#921205)

FTR, this is a change that has been implemented in start-stop-daemon included in dpkg version >= 1.19.3, IMVHO a proper breaks might be needed there as well

              Warning:  using this match option with a world-writable pidfile or using it alone with a daemon that writes the pidfile as an unprivileged (non-root) user will be refused with an error (since               version 1.19.3) as this is a security risk, because either any user can write to it, or if the daemon gets compromised, the contents of the pidfile cannot be trusted, and then  a  privileged               runner (such as an init script executed as root) would end up acting on any system process.  Using /dev/null is excempt from these checks.

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