I followed what John did, except I did not uninstall freecad-python2 and
did not install freecad-python3. Running update-alternatives was enough to
resolved the issue. If the new package was supposed to do that, I don't
think it worked, at least upgrading from -4.

rleblanc@riker:~/code$ dpkg -l "*freecad*"

|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                    Version           Architecture Description

ii  freecad                 0.18~pre1+dfsg1-5 all          Extensible Open
Source CAx program
ii  freecad-common          0.18~pre1+dfsg1-4 all          Extensible Open
Source CAx program - common files
un  freecad-doc             <none>            <none>       (no description
ii  freecad-python2         0.18~pre1+dfsg1-4 amd64        Extensible Open
Source CAx program - Python 2 binaries
un  freecad-python3         <none>            <none>       (no description
ii  freecad-runtime         0.18~pre1+dfsg1-4 all          Extensible Open
Source CAx program - runtime files
ii  libfreecad-python2-0.18 0.18~pre1+dfsg1-4 amd64        Extensible Open
Source CAx program - Python 2 library files
rleblanc@riker:~/code$ sudo update-alternatives --config freecad
There is only one alternative in link group freecad (providing
/usr/bin/freecad): /usr/lib/freecad/bin/freecad-python2
Nothing to configure.
update-alternatives: warning: forcing reinstallation of alternative
/usr/lib/freecad/bin/freecad-python2 because link group freecad is broken
rleblanc@riker:~/code$ freecad
FreeCAD 0.18, Libs: 0.18R
© Juergen Riegel, Werner Mayer, Yorik van Havre 2001-2019
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(2, 'No such file or directory', '/usr/share/freecad/examples')

Robert LeBlanc
PGP Fingerprint 79A2 9CA4 6CC4 45DD A904  C70E E654 3BB2 FA62 B9F1

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