Am 22.06.19 um 23:34 schrieb John Franklin:
> I've been suffering from this bug in a clean Buster system, too.  A
> solution noted in another bug tracker is to explicitly tell to
> use the intel driver.  Apparently, it uses the fbdev driver by default.
> (Sorry, I don't have a reference to other bug handy.)
> Per a suggestion in the other bug, I added the following config about a
> week ago and haven't seen the problem since.
> $ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
> Section "Device"
>   Identifier  "Intel Graphics"
>   Driver      "intel"
> EndSection
> jf

Great John, I can confirm that it fixes the bug here too.
My hardware: Ivy-Bridge i5 with Intel HD4000 graphics.

Thanks, Alf

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