On maandag 15 juli 2019 00:33:31 CEST Colin Watson wrote:
> > In the not too distant future, I'll remove that old drive (with WinXP on
> > it) from my system and my guess is that I then will have a problem.
> That shouldn't be the case: we store the installation device using a
> /dev/disk/by-id/ path, which isn't affected by removing other disks.

It's not just any disk, it's the disk that grub-install is writing to on 
upgrade (iiutc), i.e. 'hd0,msdos2'. It should then boot (directly) from 
my NVMe drive, with has a gpt partition table. Pointing my BIOS to 
boot from that NVMe drive caused this problem for me and changing 
that to the drive-to-be-removed, fixed it.
Would that still not matter?

sda         disk 279.5G                             dos    WDC_WD3000HLFS-01G6U0
├─sda2      part    20G ntfs                        dos    
├─sda4      part     1K                             dos    
├─sda5      part     8G swap   [SWAP]               dos    
└─sda6      part 249.8G ext4   /home/diederik/media dos    
sdb         disk 232.9G                             dos    
└─sdb3      part 232.9G ext4                        dos    
sdc         disk 931.5G                             gpt    
└─sdc1      part   400G ext4                        gpt    
nvme0n1     disk 953.9G                             gpt    Samsung SSD 960 PRO 
├─nvme0n1p1 part     3M                             gpt    
├─nvme0n1p2 part     4G ext4   /boot                gpt    
├─nvme0n1p3 part    30G ext4   /                    gpt    
├─nvme0n1p4 part 108.6G ext4                        gpt    
└─nvme0n1p5 part 811.3G ext4   /home                gpt

(I might do a complete fresh install in which case my worry would be moot)

> > Will 'dpkg-reconfigure grub' update the debconf database and thereby fix
> > that problem?
> grub-pc not grub, but yes, that updates the debconf database.


> NEWS file entries document issues that relate to upgrading to specific
> newer versions.  However, as I noted in my original closing message,
> this isn't triggered by upgrading to any specific version, but rather
> simply by upgrading or downgrading to *any* version ...

I just checked and saw that even old-old-stable has version 2.02X, so I 
might have actually ran into this issue before, but just not remember it or 
I did not have this issue to begin with.
I see/agree with your point and hopefully you won't have to deal with lots of 
bug reports like this.


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