On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 09:07:45AM +0000, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
>  apt-setup (1:0.151) unstable; urgency=medium
>  .
>    [ Moritz Mühlenhoff ]
>    * When preseeding a local repository via apt-setup/localX/repository,
>      the repository key for Secure Apt needs to be configured with
>      apt-setup/localX/key. This key used to be set up with apt-key, but
>      its use is deprecated and apt's former dependency on gnupg has been
>      demoted to a Suggests, rendering apt-key non-functional in d-i.
>      Apply a patch by Lars Kollstedt (thanks!) which adds the repository
>      key(s) to /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d, following the approach used by
>      pbuilder (Closes: #851774, #928931):
>       - .asc suffix if the key file seems to be armoured ASCII (i.e. it
>         contains a “-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----” line);
>       - .gpg suffix otherwise. Please note that only “GPG key public ring”
>         are supported by APT, newer “keybox database” format isn't at the
>         moment.

Hi Cyril,
as discussed on #debian-boot last week: I've tested a Buster installation with
"d-i     mirror/udeb/suite       string  unstable" and our previous
"d-i     base-installer/includes string  gnupg" workaround dropped which uses
the https://apt.wikimedia.org repository and that worked fine.

I've also submitted a patch to installation-guide to enhance the docs so that
the constraints for the Secure Apt key file are explicitly mentioned (#932284)


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