
When I looked I elogind a while back I was able to build a package without having a public libelogind0, I basically had that in my debian/rules file:

# We only build the libelogind0 and libelogind-dev if we are building for
# Devuan or its derivatives
ifneq ($(shell dpkg-vendor --derives-from Devuan && yes), yes)
export DH_OPTIONS=--no-package=libelogind0 --no-package=libelogind-dev

libelogind library is only needed for applications that want to interact with the daemon, in the ITP (#905388) bug I also noted that.

If I'm not mistaken, libsystemd (and libelogind) are using D-Bus to communicate with the daemon part, was it checked that the API used is compatible? Is there documentation of the differences, if any?

Bottom line, is libelogind even needed in the archive to achieve your goal of having an implementation of the login1 D-Bus API not requiring systemd as PID1?

my 2ยข

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