at bottom :-

On 13/10/2019, intrigeri <> wrote:


> Jeremy Bicha filed #891877 a while ago, requesting that Synaptic's
> dependencies are updated accordingly. I believe the actions Jeremy
> suggested on #891877 will solve the problem shirish is raising here,
> improve the life of Synaptic's users, and make it clearer what is the
> status of libgtk2-perl in the archive.
> Thoughts?
> (Oh my, so many words for a bug that can be fixed by s/2/3/ in one
> single place :)
> Cheers,
> --
> intrigeri

My bad. While I had looked at synaptic bugs but there are so many and
there wasn't an RC  bug or something which in my view should have .
Anyways, have subscribed to the bug and am looking forward to see if
Michael Vogt  (the maintainer of Synaptic) addresses the bug report

Looking forward to see it fixed.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0

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