Control: tags -1 + pending - patch

On 18-Oct-2019, Thomas Goirand wrote:

> Attached is a debdiff fixing this RC bug. There's other clean-up
> necessary for this package (like removing the X-Python{3,}-Version:)
> which I think should be done before the upload.

Thanks for the proposed changes.

(Something in your toolchain – or possibly you, manually? – are
removing valid U+000C white space characters from source files. I
would reject a diff with that error, not sure if it was deliberate

> Let me know if you're ok for me to NMU this package.

I've packaged a newer upstream release and am dealing with this bug in
with that. Thanks again.

 \          “One bad programmer can easily create two new jobs a year. |
  `\      Hiring more bad programmers will just increase our perceived |
_o__)                     need for them.” —David Lorge Parnas, 1999-03 |
Ben Finney <>

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