> Yes, it still crashes after opening any of images and trying to edit it or
> just usin program GUI.

If you had sent mail to the bug report before, it seems you're using a 
different email address now and I don't know if you have sent any debugging 
information before. Regardless, the following should be helpful.

Can you run `reportbug -p --template pinta` and send back the system 
information that appears at the bottom of that? The output of `lscpu` might 
would also be helpful.

How do you invoke Pinta? Do you use a command in a terminal to start it or 
click it from a menu? What does `mono -V` say? Do you use GNOME 3?
Do you use any non-default graphics drivers, and does
`mono /usr/lib/pinta/Pinta.exe --render-threads=1` fare any better?

Are you usually working with a saved file when it crashes, and if you are, does 
opening a new window with an unsaved document make a difference?

Sorry to bombard you with questions, but I hope these details shed light on 
the issue so you can figure out this puzzle.

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