found 321102 4:3.5.2-1
found 332473 4:3.5.2-1
found 350851 4:3.5.2-1

On Tuesday 16 May 2006 10:05, Bastian Venthur wrote:
> So here it is, someone confirmed this bug with 3.5.2 on Debian:
> Quote:
> "Bam! I had this bug right now. Using KDE 3.5.2 on Debian. Lost a
> whole folder of mails (thank god it was only a ML). Nevertheless this
> is totally uncool..."

Darn, I thought that perhaps it had gone away.

> Whoever marked this bug as "found in $VERSION" should upgrade this to
> the newest version too or remove it completely (we know this bug is
> open for years and there is IMHO reason to track every version-number
> the bug appeared).

I have added the "founds" for this version for the sake of clarity, but 
it isn't necessary to mark "founds" for every last upload; the bug is 
assumed to be present by the BTS unless marked fixed.

> And please consider to remove KMail from testing again. There is
> nothing "stable" about losing a whole Mail-Folder. Especially when we
> *know* the software leads to data loss but pretend it to be stable.

Perhaps a better solution would be disable dimap support in the 3.5.3 
upload, and make sure that the fixed package makes Etch (which is 
looming). Daniel, what do you feel about this? Given that upstream 
appears to be unable to replicate and fix the problem, I think this 
might be the safest, and least bothersome (to all other KMail users) 
way of dealing with this issue.

Christopher Martin

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