Am 24.01.20 um 19:55 schrieb Jeff Breidenbach:

> Regarding:
> Thank you, Peter.
> 1. The URL for the patch is 404.
> 2. There may be some subtlety with -march=native, specifically related to
> detection of  SIMD instructions like AVX2. There's been an enormous
> amount of back & forth on this topic in upstream over the years, so
> I'd like
> to take this bug there and let them weigh in.
> Jeff

That might be a false alarm.

Tesseract supports two different build systems, one based on cmake, one
based on autoconf.

As far as I know all Linux distributions use the autoconf based build,
so they should not be affected by the existing problems from the cmake

The default autoconf build uses -march=native only if it is supported by
the compiler and only for a single file, but not for the rest of the
code. The code from that single file is not executed by default, but
only if an advanced user runs Tesseract with a special command line
option (-c dotproduct=native).


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