Hi olivier,

On 04/03/2020 12:13, olivier sallou wrote:
> Hi,
> I saw you started some work on python-ftputil to fix #952208.
> I just pushed to git repo a fix for that.

I am a little confused, you just added description to the patch?

Why do you  douplicate on d/changelog  the (Closes #bugnumber) sentence? [0]

> Will you push new patch release soon? Or should I do?

I'm DM and I will need sponsorhip.
> I wonder however why you pushed a gbp.conf (not really expected usually)
> setting branch as debian/master , which does not exists and default
> being master.

I push gbp.conf and set debian/master as default branch to be the
repository according to the DPMT policy recommendation [1] and DEP-14 [2]

[2] https://dep-team.pages.debian.net/deps/dep14/


Emmanuel Arias

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