Hi all,

The reason this is manifesting as a giant problem unexpectedly since Saturday 
and it did not only hit obscure ancient java programs etc. as Sectigo 
predicted, is:

SSL providers such as Namecheap SSLs.com (and probably many others) were 
issuing certificates good until mid-2021 with an expiring .ca-bundle file in 
the download zip!  

So anyone up until about new years was getting these files and installing 
expiring-in-may bundle certs onto their server along with their actual cet 
(expiring in 1 or 2 years usually).  may 30th came along and that stopped 
working out so well for a LOT more users than expected.............

Server side mitigation:

This problem can/should be fixed on the server side by server administrators 
updating their CA certificate bundle: (i.e. SSLCACertificateFile or 
SSLCertificateChainFile if you use Apache)   to replace the expired Comodo or 
Sectigo root certs with the correct non-expired ones.  

The correct bundle cert depends on who your SSL is signed by, but they can be 
found here:


and also here: 

However, Until all the servers are patched, or the add trust external CA cert 
is removed from the ca-certificates bundle, this will continue to explode for 

Client side Mitigation:
As specified here, mitigation on the client side is: 

- remove AddTrust_External_Root.crt from /etc/ca-certificates.conf
- regenerate with update-ca-certificates -f -v

Debian fix:

Should be to update ca-certificates as per this bug and remove the expired 
cert.  There is actually a reason to do this, as per the openSSL bug in 


        "The current fix is to not have expired certificates in the trust 

So given the version of OpenSSL in stretch, the only sane fix at least for 
stretch (and Jessie LTS if still possible) is to remove that certificate.

Many of these notes were gleaned from this reddit discussion thread: 

which I just discovered now, after spending a weekend fixing up certs server 
side on hundreds of customer sites.  Damn you, Namecheap!!!


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