Hi bret

On 2020-06-09 18:28:02 +0200, bret curtis wrote:
> OpenMW 0.46 has been released and I've uploaded it here, it just
> someone kind and just to review and upload. :)
> https://salsa.debian.org/games-team/openmw
> Once uploaded and built, this bug should be closed.

Thanks, uploaded with the alternative build dependencies on
openscenegraph reversed (patch attached). The buildds only consider the
first alternative and openscenegraph-3.4 is no longer in the archive.

In d/rules, the dh_missing call should be placed in an override for

Sebastian Ramacher
From 9a355585dafc1af83c2f6e8ef16476ff7b172714 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastian Ramacher <sramac...@debian.org>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2020 10:46:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix order of alternative dependencies

 debian/control | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index f437310..36861ba 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12), cmake (>= 3) | cmake3,
  libboost-filesystem-dev, libboost-iostreams-dev, libboost-program-options-dev, libboost-thread-dev,
  libopenal-dev, libtinyxml-dev, libavcodec-dev, libavformat-dev,
  libavutil-dev, libswscale-dev, libswresample-dev, libsdl2-dev (>= 2.0.9),
- libmygui-dev (>= 3.2.1), libunshield-dev, libopenscenegraph-3.4-dev | libopenscenegraph-dev (>= 3.6.5),
+ libmygui-dev (>= 3.2.1), libunshield-dev, libopenscenegraph-dev (>= 3.6.5) | libopenscenegraph-3.4-dev,
  libqt5opengl5-dev, libqt5opengl5-desktop-dev [armel armhf]
 Standards-Version: 4.3.0
 Homepage: http://openmw.org

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Description: PGP signature

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