My system isn't broken from apt's perspective, but it's not that surprising
for piecewise package upgrades to expose missing versioned dependencies
between various libraries...

On Thu, 25 Jun 2020 at 01:51, Simon McVittie <> wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Jun 2020 at 19:05:51 +0200, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> > > >
> _ZN3Gio11Application35set_option_context_parameter_stringERKN4Glib7ustringE
> >
> > So, that set_option_context_parameter_string thing comes from Glib 2.56
> For future reference: glibmm, not GLib. The GLib family of libraries
> (GLib, GObject, GModule, GIO) is all C code, with glibmm providing the
> C++ wrapper that Inkscape uses; so any time you see a name-mangled C++
> symbol, it must be coming from somewhere higher-level than GLib.
> In particular, the Gio:: C++ namespace is glibmm territory.
> > Indeed it seems that your system had a broken update in the past, with
> > way too many old packages still laying around.
> The report looked to me like a system that was running buster when
> buster was still the testing distribution, and hadn't been (fully)
> upgraded since before buster was released as Debian 10 (about a year ago).
> We don't support "skipping a version", because the number of possible
> upgrade scenarios quickly becomes impossibly large. If your system
> is older than Debian 10, then it's necessary to upgrade everything to
> Debian 10 versions, reboot, and remove any obsolete packages from older
> releases before you upgrade to any version newer than Debian 10.
> > The bug actually lies in libglibmm-2.4-1v5 which is not propagating the
> > proper versioned dependency, so I'm reassigning this bug to them.
> This will be fixed in unstable shortly.
>     smcv


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