> Hello, can you please apply the two patches below to fix the build failure 
> with new libmicrohttpd and to give a more useful error message in case curl 
> fails?
> (I don't know yet why, but the autopkgtest is failing in Ubuntu)
Since I'm also the upstream author, I'll fix the ftbfs in the next
release, very soon. But I must package new releases orcania and yder
first. This should be done in a few days.

> also, help to track down the ubuntu failure is appreciated
> http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/u/ulfius/groovy/amd64
In the log, the first error tells us that:
Assertion 'response.status == 200' failed: response.status == 503, 200
== 200
This test fails while getting "http://[::1]:8080/empty";, maybe there's
an ipv6 issue in ubuntu autopkgtest environment?

The last 2 errors will probably tell us more after the release since the
error message will be fixed in ulfius_send_smtp_rich_email, thanks to you!


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