On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 09:41:18PM +0300, Niko Tyni wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 06:58:15PM +0300, Niko Tyni wrote:
> > I have not had the tuits yet for looking at IO::Socket::IP properly.
> > It seems to me that it could look at the address and pass AI_NUMERICHOST
> > to getaddrinfo(3) if it looks like an IPv4 address. I guess matching
> > against qr/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ would suffice.
> Here's a first try at such a patch. Something like this might be
> a better fix for #962047 in libio-socket-ip-perl than the test suite
> change in 0.39-2.
> I've only tested that libio-socket-ip-perl and libtest-tcp-perl build
> and work with this.

That patch was unfortunately buggy. I've since done further testing
and filed #964902 about the wider issue with a hopefully better patch.

So moving this discussion there.
Niko Tyni   nt...@debian.org

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