On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 09:51:14PM +0200, Alex ARNAUD wrote:

> > I think this version shouldn't be shipped with the next
> > release. Like the description says, it's "somewhat alpha".
> >
> > It works some times, but then stops working, it crashes,
> > and so on.
> I've used the package purple-matrix on Debian 10 since at least 6
> months through Pidgin. It's not a perfect tool, have issues but in
> my opinion it is usable. Sometimes purple-matrix is disconnected
> or makes Pidgin to crash but it's quite rare. It's sufficient to
> restart Pidgin to make it working again.
> I have two points why I think we should have it into next stable:
>  * This is very difficult for a stable user to use purple-matrix. In my
>    case, I have had to rebuilt the package due to dependencies and it's
>    clearly something not easy for all.
>  * As a visual-impaired person, purple-matrix through Pidgin is the
>    most accessible Matrix client I've used.
> There are still reasons why we would like to keep it in unstable:
>  * There are no commits in 2020
>  * The project doesn't publish new release and "just" push commits


I think that this project is essentially dead, there has never been a
release and as you say there hasn't been changes in almost a year.

I have stopped using it myself and the reason why I didn't ask for its
removal from Debian is that it's a very small package with a very low
manteinance burden (and because popcon shows that it has some users).

But it seems that there are other alternatives nowadays. The official
Matrix website no longer lists purple-matrix, but there are however
other text-based clients such as weechat-matrix and gomuks. I cannot
evaluate how accessible they are, though.


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